Sub-Total: £0.00
Terms and Conditions
Big Games Shop ltd is and independently run store specialising in virtual items for a variety of different Games. All our items are 100% genuine and come from a source working on the game.
For all purchases in our shop:
- It is the buyers responsibility to leave a valid email address and phone number. We will try and contact you daily from a variety of different email addresses to make contact with you so you can claim your items. After 7 days we will cancel the order and refund the card holder.
- You must have permission to use the card or PayPal account used to purchase the items. BigGamesShop ltd accepts no responsibility if a card or account is used without permission of the owner. It will be the responsibility of the owners bank or local police authorities to recover funds from who ever used them without permission.
- Refunds will only be issued before items are delivered
- Once items are delivered No refunds or returns can be accepted. In very exceptional circumstances if items have to be returned then only a partial refund will be offered which covers the cost we paid for the items. We will also send a video of the returned items being deleted as we can not re sell them. All are pets are genuine and we have no way of knowing if the items being returned are the exact same ones and genuine
- Our server is only for the transfer of pets. There is no playing in our server and once you have your items you must leave as soon as convenient. Any re-joining after your transfer is complete may lead to a ban from the shop
- No abuse of staff will be accepted. If there are other customers in the server when you are in there any abuse or trading will lead to a permeant ban from our shop
- Our accounts are only for the transfer of purchased items. We will not trade any items for anything else
- Please do not give us any items when we are transferring your items to you. We will try and trade you back to return them. If they are not accepted they will be deleted and gone forever
- Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your items. During working hours generally you will receive and email with our server details in about 5 minutes. After 30 minutes if you haven’t received this email check your Junk/spam Folder
Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns.